12 Signs You're Ignoring Your Intuition (When You Shouldn’t)

intuition psychic Jul 02, 2023
a woman enjoying nature outside while feeling highly intuitive


What if I told you that you already have all the answers to questions like “What is my purpose?” and “How can I live my most free and authentic life?” You possess a wise inner knowing — your intuition.

No matter who you are or what your experience is, you can access this knowledge. In a world with so many ideas about who and what you should be, listening to your intuition is challenging. With intuition, there is no concrete proof of why or how you know something; you just know. Listening to your intuition can help you live an easier, freer life aligned with your true soul.


Ignoring your intuition repeatedly over time is soul-crushing.

I can remember living according to what I thought I should want or what other people expected of me. I seemed to have everything right on paper, but I wasn’t really living as me. I felt like something was missing, and the discomfort grew until it became detrimental to my health, and I was severely burned out. Looking back, there were many signs along the way. You don't have to wait until a moment of crisis to listen to your intuition. 


What Intuition Feels Like 


Intuition is a subtle energetic nudge. It is the answer you feel sure about even when it doesn't make rational sense. Intuition feels calm, grounded, and confident. You might confuse a fear response with intuition because fear, like intuition, is a powerful instinct. Fear or anxiety shows up when we are making important life choices. The feeling of fear, worry, or anxiety is persistent, questioning, and urgent. Anxiety often engages your nervous system, your fight, flight or freeze response. Anxiety asks you,” what if something bad happens?”

Intuition knows the answer, and so when you have a strong intuitive feeling, you likely don't have anxiety because you know what you want or what needs to be done. You feel confident without a clear reason why. Not everyone experiences intuition the same way. Your body is like an antenna for energetic information, and all your senses can come into play when intuition is involved.






Signs You’re Ignoring Your Intuition


1. You have a persistent headache. 


Headaches are often caused by stress, lack of sleep, and holding tension in your body. Your mind, body, and spirit are connected. Persistently ignoring your truth can take a toll on your well-being. When you ignore your intuition, you’ll experience stress and or trouble sleeping. It also takes a lot of energy to “power through” and do things you really don't want to do, which might leave you feeling exhausted.

Pent-up anger can also trigger headaches. You might feel resentful if you’re always doing things according to what’s expected of you and not what you truly want. When your body is not in alignment with your intuition, there are numerous side effects, and many of them cause headaches. As you read this, take a moment to relax your jaw and drop your shoulders. Notice any tension in your body that wants to be released. 



2. You’re arguing with your intuitive voice inside your head.


Do you constantly try to talk yourself out of your intuitive feelings? You might not be aware of this until you consider it, but it takes a lot of work to argue with the intuitive voice inside your head. When you ignore your intuition, you have to jump through hoops to present yourself with the facts and evidence that prove your intuition is wrong. But here's the thing, your intuition doesn't need proof. The feeling or knowing you experience is the only proof, validation, and calling you need.   



3. You’re feeling anxious or depressed.


Evidence shows that anxiety and depression can compromise your ability to access intuition and affect decision-making abilities. With anxiety and depression, it can be challenging to trust your thoughts. You might get stuck in chronic cycles of worry and sadness and feel there is no way forward. Getting in touch with intuition gives you a new way forward. For example, say you’re feeling stuck, and your thoughts tell you you’re worthless or that there is no possible outcome that does not lead to disaster.

Tuning into intuition may give you another line of thinking and show you the way forward when things seem hopeless. You’re torn between two terrible options, and intuition says, “Put that down and go for a walk” or “Apply for this position.” The answers may not make logical sense, but intuition always has your bests interests at heart, and it is the answer you can't find with your mind. If you feel anxious and sad all the time, it’s a good idea to work with a professional therapist to help you work out the causes and get support. You don’t have to navigate anxiety and depression alone. 



4. You can’t decide on something.


When you enter a cycle of ignoring your intuition, it can easily lead to decision-making fatigue. When you discount your intuitive feelings, nothing else will feel like the right choice because you ignore what you truly want. You might not be consciously aware of this process. Your mind might go back and forth between many choices that are not aligned with your intuition. This is a way to suppress or ignore what your soul is calling for. Perhaps you’re ignoring your intuition because you know that the answer or choice you want to make would disappoint someone or because it doesn't align with your identity as you know it. If there is something that you’d love to do, but you’re concerned about what others would think or how they’d be let down, that’s a sign that you’re ignoring intuition. This process can become quite uncomfortable as it helps move you closer to the truth. If this is happening to you, you might describe yourself as procrastinating or impulsive. You might find yourself trying to avoid what your intuition tells you. 



5. You pretend that everything’s perfect.


Denial is powerful, and the urge to keep up appearances is s strong sign that you’re ignoring your intuition. You might feel the need to uphold a certain image at all costs, spend a lot of time worrying about what other people think, or try to impress people. When you’re pretending things are perfect, you might feel defensive if someone suggests anything is less than perfect. You might perceive any criticism as an attack and worry about people finding out things are not perfect. Life is full of challenges and heartbreak and making mistakes is a normal part of being human. No matter who you are, you are flawed.

No one is perfect and that’s part of what makes you unique. Regardless of your circumstances, your life is precious and you are worthy of self-love and self-acceptance. This can be the first step in bringing yourself closer to your intuition.

If you’re curious about how connecting to your intuition can help you live more authentically — The Uncovering Intuition online course can help you learn more about how to discover your truest desires and that live beneath your fears.



6. Something feels unfinished or forgotten about.


This could be a sign that your intuition is trying to get your attention. Does it feel like you’re rushing through life? If you can't remember the last time you connected with yourself and your inner knowing, something may have been missed. Maybe you feel overwhelmed with thoughts, plans, and decisions. You might be going through your day on autopilot. If you sense that you’re missing something, you likely are. Take some time to connect inwards and see what your intuition wants to communicate to you. Taking a few minutes to reflect and spending some time alone away from all the static energy of a busy day can give you the answers you need. 



7. You don’t feel in control of your decisions.


Are you making choices based on what you think you should want or what others want? Living like this can feel like life is happening to you, not for you. For example, instead of having a conversation you need to have, you ignore your feelings and go along to keep the peace. This can leave you feeling resentful and like things are beyond your control. When you listen to and honor your intuitive feelings, the answers aren't always easy, but the results will leave you feeling freer and more in control. In the example of having a hard conversation — it might be challenging at the moment, but once you’ve spoken your peace, you can move forward feeling lighter, knowing that you’ve set things right. 



8. Your gut hurts.


There is a strong connection between your brain, digestion, thoughts, and emotions. When you’re ignoring your intuition, this can affect your mental health over time, and the effects can be felt in the gut. This might show up as stomach pain, indigestion, or IBS. 

You may have heard that your brain and gut are connected or that with intuition, you have a “gut feeling.” This “second brain” is the enteric nervous system or ENS and helps regulate the digestive functions of the gastrointestinal tract. It receives internal input from the gastrointestinal tract and external input from the brain. Research shows that mental health has a direct effect on digestion. According to John Hopkins Medicine, “There is evidence that irritation in the gastrointestinal system may send signals to the central nervous system (CNS) that trigger mood changes.” 



9. You tend to seek approval and validation from others.


When you’re not looking inside for the answers, you tend to look outside. This is both a symptom of ignoring your intuition and it also further disconnects you. If intuition means listening to the inner part of you that is most wise, seeking outside answers, opinions, and validations from others is the opposite of intuition. Especially when you know what you want to do or you’ve already made a decision. Asking others for their advice when you know what’s best for you reinforces the idea that you don't have the answers.

Listen to the subtle energetic nudge of your intuition and follow that guidance. You are the ultimate authority in your life, and other people do not always have the answers, and they don't need to approve of your choices. Sometimes you do need advice or feedback, and in that case, ask people who are also living an authentic life. To quote Brené Brown, “If you're not in the arena also getting your ass kicked, I'm not interested in your feedback.” Make your own choices and consult with other brave people when you truly need guidance. 



10. You don’t feel good about past decisions.


When you’re not living a life aligned with your intuition, it’s common to question your past decisions. Maybe life feels overwhelming, and you question how you got here in the first place. Perhaps you’re not feeling fulfilled and can't understand why. You might look to the past for answers and feel that if you’d made a different decision, things could have turned out differently. You question your educational choices or career path, or maybe you wonder if you had taken more risks, it would have led to more opportunities. This thinking can leave you feeling stuck and disconnected from your intuition. Intuition happens in the present moment, never in the future or the past. The good news is that your life is happening right now. By being present, you have the power to create a different future for yourself, one that aligns with your soul’s purpose. 


11. You struggle to fall asleep at night.


Insomnia is the inability to fall or stay asleep, affecting your mood, energy, and ability to function. One-third of adults report some insomnia symptoms, and ten percent of the population meets the criteria for a sleep disorder. Insomnia can indicate that your intuition is trying to tell you something important. This could cause you to wake up feeling groggy, have trouble falling back to sleep, or rely on medications or alcohol to get to sleep at night. You might find yourself waking up too early or having trouble focusing during the day. You could sense that your body hasn’t gotten a full peaceful rest. Bedtime can be extremely stressful If you’re avoiding listening to your intuition. When you're finally alone with your thoughts at the end of the day and feel stressed instead of relaxed, it could be that your intuition has something to tell you. 



12. You experience doubt after every decision you make.


When you make decisions from fear or anxiety rather than intuition, you commonly experience doubt afterward. Following your intuition isn’t always easy, but it’s a clear sense of knowing the right thing for you. Anxiety is persistent with asking questions and presenting you with worse-case scenarios. Intuition is the answer. When you make a decision based on your intuition, you’ll feel more confident. Anxiety and fear can make you feel self-conscious and questioning. If you find yourself wanting to get everyone's feedback after making a decision, this could be a sign that you’re ignoring your intuition. Remember, it’s always okay to change your mind and intuition can be developed over time. 




Tips to Genuinely Hear & Listen to Your Intuition




Journal to get in touch with your intuition


Journaling about your thoughts, feelings, and experiences is a way to gain deeper self-knowledge. Journaling as part of your morning routine can help you start the day with a clean slate and get all your thoughts and worries out. You might later read back what you’ve written and be surprised at what is revealed. This lets you connect with your desires and what you truly want. When you get your stream of consciousness out on paper, you can see yourself from another perspective.  

Sometimes resentments you’re carrying, fears, or simple preferences can pop up and surprise you. For example, maybe you repeatably journal about a friend who seems distant and this allows you to face the fear or feeling you have from them and take action. Instead of dismissing the thought you pick up the phone or make plans to check in. 

If you need inspiration or want to focus on specific aspects of your life, here are a few of my favorite journal prompts.

  • What permission slip can I write myself to experience my life to the fullest?
  • What gifts and talents do I possess that can serve others?
  • What kinds of stories am I telling myself? Are they helpful?
  • What is the most loving thing I have done for myself? What might I do in the future?
  • What is something only I know about myself? Would I consider sharing with someone I trust?



Meditation to connect inwards


Meditation allows you to develop an awareness of your inner world, thoughts, and feelings. From this place, you have greater access to your intuition or your higher self. Meditation is proven to reduce stress and improve your overall health and well-being.

Sit for a few minutes someplace you feel comfortable. With your eyes closed, focus inward and notice your breath. Take a few slow deep breaths, and be mindful of how it feels to breathe deeply. Imagine breathing into your entire body. Consider the idea of connecting with your intuition or your soul. Notice where in your body you feel this energy. Be present and notice this. You may want to journal about your experience. 


Next, try this free 10-minute meditation to connect with your energy.



Listen to your body


Intuition will be felt in your body. The more you can connect to and listen to your physical body, the easier it will be to feel your intuition. Think about listening to your body in simple ways. Giving yourself rest when you need it, pausing to stretch and move your body when you’ve been sitting for a long time. Eating when you’re hungry and having water throughout the day. Many people push past the needs of their bodies to finish tasks or please others. By taking care of your body and honoring its requests, you honor your intuition. 

Notice how your body responds to things. If a friend asks you to make plans or a coworker asks for help, pause and notice the response of your body. If something is a “yes” for you, how and where do you notice that in your body? When something is a “no” for you, what does that feel like? Finally, notice how it feels when you don’t have all of the information yet to make a decision. You might not always be able to honor how your body feels. For example, you might decide to help a coworker even when you feel a no, but a least you can recognize you’re pushing beyond your limits and treat yourself with compassion. 



Develop your intuition with everyday decisions 


The best way to get comfortable listening to your intuition is to practice! We all have intuition, and with practice, you can start to rely on your intuition to support you when making decisions. Check-in with your intuition when making a non-consequential choice, like which route to drive home or checkout line to stand in at the market. When you have an intuitive feeling about something, honor it. This sends the message to your intuition “Yes, I trust you, keep showing up for me.” 


Uncovering Intuition, The Course guides you through practical, inspiring exercises to help you unlock your inner wisdom to live with more power, truth, and intention.



Sheryl Wagner - Author

Welcome, I’m so glad you are here. I’m Sheryl, a psychic medium, teacher, and author of the book Uncovering Intuition. I love writing about my experiences with the Spirit World and the magic of synchronicity. Subscribe to my weekly newsletter on substack. Learn more about how you can work with me.

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